To the Women


this is to you

To the woman who is expecting a child and is afraid or anxious for what’s to come

To the woman who just had a child and is overwhelmed, exhausted and trying your best to learn your new role 

To the woman who wants nothing more than to have a child, but isn’t able to have any 

To the woman who just miscarried after weeks or months of excitement and anticipation 

To the woman who is working tirelessly as a single mother, trying to give her children the best possible future

To the woman who works 60 hours a week and still manages to hold down the home

To the woman who has done all she can for her child, but they are still struggling or getting in to trouble

To the woman who is going through a tough breakup or divorce and is just trying to make it through the day

To the woman who is just finding her power and realizing her endless potential  

To the woman who had the courage and strength to leave an abusive relationship 

To the woman who is single and waiting for the right person to open up to 

To the woman who is battling depression but puts on a happy, brave face everyday 

To the woman who is struggling with fully loving herself 

To the woman freeing herself from an addiction or a mistake that’s been unforgiven

To the woman who is feeling insecure in her own body 

To the woman who grew up without a father and is working through trust or abandonment issues 

To the woman who has been betrayed, deceived or lied to by someone they love 

To the woman who is studying for hours after work or putting her kids to bed 

To the woman who is determined to continue working out or playing a sport after facing adversity or injuries

To the woman who continues to open up and trust, after being hurt or let down over and over 

To the woman who is running or building her own business 

To the woman who is following her dreams, despite other people’s doubts or opinions

To the woman who has been called “too sensitive” , “too emotional” or “too much” 

To the woman who feels taken advantage of or taken for granted 

To the woman who is working to mend broken relationships 

To the woman who is attending therapy or is seeking help in some way 

To the woman who is beginning her spiritual journey or starting again

To the woman who is fighting through and coping with anxiety everyday 

To the woman who is leaving behind toxic situations or toxic relationships 

To the woman who is trying to forgive herself for causing pain to someone else

To the woman who is healing from grief, heartbreak, insecurities, trauma and everything in between 

i see you.

You are so loved, strong and POWERFUL.

You are worthy of new beginnings.

And you are deserving of love, forgiveness, healing and patience. 

But I want you to know — Individually, you are a woman fighting through something, accomplishing something, learning something - but together, WE ARE WOMEN. Strong women. We are women who need to start coming together for each other; start encouraging one another; start uplifting one another. STOP judging, bullying, hurting and envying one another. We are all in this together. We are all going to experience hard times, we are all going to have seasons of doubt and insecurity, we are all going to accomplish great things- and every single thing we’re going through- good or bad- would be SO much more encouraging with a group of strong, uplifting women by our sides. This is pretty cheesy, but there’s no women without WE. You can definitely get through things on your own and you can definitely feel proud of accomplishments on your own, but having WOMEN surround you is a type of strength that you simply can’t have on your own.


healing is not linear, you WILL get through your tough situation, your feelings are valid and important, your dreams aren’t too big, your body is yours and yours only- so cherish it, you’re doing WAY better than you think you are, and to the women - WE are strong.

with love,


Ciarra CriddleComment