Stronger Together
let’s do our part
I don’t need to say it - but we are obviously in the middle of a very devastating worldwide crisis, that has impacted every single one of us in one way or another.
I remember just a few months ago, Jordan and I were at our favorite brunch spot (Eggtc. - try it if you haven’t - when this is all over of course), and we were hearing on the news how it’s affecting people in China. But I remember it feeling very distant - like surely it wasn’t going to affect our country, or our state, or our little bubble. I couldn’t have been more off with my assumption. Around the world, in our states, in our cities, in our homes - people are filled with sadness, anxiety, worry, fear, and uncertainty. Everything is happening so fast and every single single emotion you’re feeling is valid, it’s real and it’s definitely overwhelming. But I do believe we each have to do our part.
doing our part by focusing on what we can control.
There are so many ideas, opinions, emotions and “unknowns” floating around, that it can be hard to keep focus on what we CAN control. Right now, most of us have been told to stay home (except for necessities), so what we can control right now is how we are handling it, what we decide to do with our time and the positive things that can come from it.
* I want to pause and say this - our community and society is very privileged. Yes we’re being told to stay home - but during that time, most of us are getting to work out, read, work from home, watch movies on our couches, eat from our fully stocked cabinets and fridge, play games and spend quality time with our spouses or family - all in our warm, safe, nice homes. I saw someone mention how grateful we should be during this time, and it was a good reminder that I wanted to pass on. So although we’re dealing with uncertain and uncomfortable circumstances, we can still choose to acknowledge how favored most of us are, despite what our world is dealing with. Let’s just remind ourselves to be grateful each day during this global crisis. I think that plays a role in “doing our part” by simply controlling our mindsets while we’re at home. *
It’s going to look different for everyone, but we can also do our part by using this time to better ourselves - be creative, get outside, make a list each day filled with things you’re grateful for, start and finish a book, spend more time praying or reading a devotional, listen to a podcast, exercise, organize your space - I mean how often do we get to focus this much attention on these things? How often are we wishing we had more time to do these things? My husband and I made a list of things we want to accomplish individually during this time and a list of things we want to do together during this time. I encourage you to do the same! It just allows you to put into perspective how you can use your time for GOOD, rather than sitting around with anxiety or fear overwhelming you. Although it seems weird to say during a dark time like this, there are a lot of positive things that can come from this.
doing our part by acknowledging that there are people around the world dealing with grief and groups of people living in extreme fear because of this virus, and being compassionate towards that.
We may not be dealing with the loss of loved ones first hand, but there are tragedies happening all over, people around the world losing family members, people dying in hospitals alone because their loved ones aren’t allowed in. I’m not saying any of that to bring sadness, just to bring awareness and understanding that we have to be sensitive to that. Staying home, washing our hands, and social distancing are the things we can do right now to SHOW those people in pain or dealing with extreme fear (due to their age, their job or their medical history) that we care and are going to do our part in stopping the spread of this virus. We have groups of people who don’t have the choice to stay home; they don’t have the opportunity to be quarantined in their homes because they are ESSENTIAL or their jobs can’t be done remotely. So we owe it to them to do our job of staying home. I’ve heard many different stories about young people still going out and going about their business as usual because “they aren’t afraid of getting it” - and I’m sure they don’t mean any harm and probably just don’t realize the importance in staying home. But we have to be more responsible for those that are more likely to get it; and we have to be empathic and sensitive towards those that are dealing with the effects first hand. That’s doing our part.
doing our part by spreading as much light as possible - there are so many people around us that could use encouragement in some form.
WE ARE ALL DEALING WITH THE SAME CRISIS. Of course there are different levels of intensity, depending on where you live, but we are all trying to get through the same situation. That alone should make us feel united and closer - as a family, as a neighborhood, as a church, a school, a city, a state, a country. We’re all experiencing fear, in one way or another. I’m sure we can all agree on that, based on the lack of TP, basic food items, and cleaning supplies in any store right now (which is causing even more fear and anxiety). A global pandemic + a virus that has no cure + stores lacking necessary items = FEAR. But I think the fear that is consuming and overwhelming people, could be eased a little bit if we started showing even the smallest amount of hope and positivity. And just as quickly as fear can be spread, so can encouragement and positivity.
I’m sure most of you all have as well, but I’ve noticed people coming together in a huge way since all of this started. It’s actually been very refreshing and cool to see, despite the reasoning behind it. Kyndrik and I have been going outside and walking everyday since it’s been nice out, and as we are walking around our neighborhood, it’s crazy how different the mood feels. Regardless of the fears we’re all having, as we walk by each other, it’s obvious that we all have the same understanding and the same compassion towards each other. Everyone waves. Everyone smiles. People share conversations (from a distance) and check in on each other. People are with their families, exercising or just enjoying time. People are writing encouraging messages on the sidewalk for others as they walk by. Like I said, it’s been refreshing to see. It feels like we all have one thing in common and we realize we’re only going to get through this by coming together. I realize that tragedies and adversity bring people together in ways that aren’t “normal” - but I hope that this crisis makes the unity and community we’ve been experiencing LAST and make it our new normal. It doesn't take a lot to encourage someone and remind them that we’re in this together. Let’s do our part in spreading positivity - Lord knows we all need it right now.
And remember that we can do our part by supporting others how we can. Along with spreading positivity and encouraging each other, we should be helping out and supporting however we can. Let’s use this time to be as selfless as we can towards those that need it most. Text a friend that you know may not be handling this well. Check on your grandparents or elderly neighbors. Support your local stores and small business owners if you can. Go to the store for someone who needs it. Give someone a package of toilet paper if you know you have enough to last you. Drop a few items off for someone. Like I’ve seen in my neighborhood, write a message to someone on the sidewalk showing your support. Check in on a teacher. Whether it’s a small or big gesture, I promise it will be appreciated and it won’t go unnoticed.
thank you to my sweet neighbor for writing this encouraging message as a reminder to us all!